Recruitment. How early is too early?

The recruitment season in international schools seems to get earlier and earlier. But what is the impact on this for both candidates and schools? There is quite a difference between geographies with the big schools in Asia tending to do intentions very early in Term 1. This year in countries still facing difficulties bringing staff in through tight border controls, this is happening even earlier than usual. The large school groups in Asia have announced early recruitment campaigns and even earlier than usual intentions which is of course completely understandable in the current climate. Quite a few years ago when recruitment was at a peak in the GCC region, it seemed there was a competition between the big school groups of who could go earliest each year!!

But, what about candidates in the UK and other countries who typically don’t even start looking yet. It’s usually the time when Winter kicks in and the idea of sunnier climes is appealing that UK teachers start applying overseas in volume, that peaks around Christmas / New Year with good applicants sometimes still available as late as March due to the usual one term’s notice in UK schools.

So do you start early and take the candidates available then - usually teachers already working internationally - but then are you possibly missing out on great staff who just haven’t started looking... or risk holding out which is a risky strategy in this uncertain world....?

Applications for international leadership roles are down this year - probably due to leaders already working in good schools staying put while there is still so much uncertainty around moving internationally. And Covid-19 factors may push the UK window later than usual with people taking a ‘watch and wait’ approach.

If you are a Principal who is losing a key senior leader this year, this can be a nervous time. And no one wants to be in the position of taking someone who isn’t first choice, or worse regretting not offering someone earlier because you decide to wait and then they have been snapped up elsewhere!

If you need support or advice with recruitment strategy this year, please contact ISCHR on


But it’s only September…